![]() No indecisiveness in true Christianity; it is either the Creator or creation. Joshua 24: 14, 15, 1 kings 18:21. No man can serve two masters, for either he will hate the one, and love the other, or else he will hold to one and despise the other. You cannot serve God and man. Matthew 6:24 There are never two present realities in a person’s mind at one time. Hence the present ideal in one’s mind will be based on who he or she is giving service profession to, Romans 6:16; either to the Creator God by glorifying him as God alone Psalm 29:2 or to creation which are many. That is why Matthew 6:24 is highlighted in the bible to deal with such folly that has taken root in false Christianity. Good and evil, righteousness and unrighteousness, sin freeness and sinfulness cannot coexist, for Lucifer would truly be right in his argument and rebellion against the most high God Isaiah 14: 12-14 and we would be all men most miserable. ![]() A person can neither claim to love God and love and hold on to evil false principles at the same time Psalm 119:104, nor can one love evil and claim to love God at the same time. In simple terms just like how a man cannot claim to love his wife and hate her at the same time, also can he never claim to love his wife while holding affections for another that is supposed to be regarded for his wife only. The two realities are separate and different in nature. The holiness of God is his God aloneness Psalm 86: 10 and he shares not his glory with another, Isaiah 42:8. There is none like him Isaiah 46: 5,9. Having this YHWH consciousness in one’s mind can only breed a holy, sinfree experience 1 John 3:9, and the evilness of Satan which is the constant idea of claiming to be god with God or putting creation on the same level with God in one’s mind, only brings about a sinful, rebellious experience. Romans 8:5-8, 1 Samuel 15:23 God does not want this for his creation for no man can hold on to his idols and be saved. God wants to give us a genuine holy experience 1 pet 1:15,16, so that he would be exalted as God alone all the time. In achieving this, we must believe, repent and give up any indecisiveness or double mindedness for a double minded man is unstable in all his ways, James 1: 8. Most importantly we must give up every false, deceitful way and our idol values that cause us to sin against God. However, in order to have a single heart in serving God, Luke 8:15, we must understand that great, high and noble holy calling in which we were called, 2 Timothy 1:9 and let God separate us from the evil ranks of sin by changing our heart through justification which will root out any defilement causing us to be sinfree and at peace with God keeping his law, Psalm 119:1-3. This is true purpose and God’s will for his creation. ![]() When we make up our minds to truly serve God without turning back, Hebrews 10:38 it’s a great joy, for there is nothing to lose in serving Christ but everything to gain, Philippians 3: 8, 9. We could now be used in God's service, 2 Timothy 2:21, having genuine love one to another helping each other, 1 Peter 1:22, 1 Timothy 4: 13, 15, 16, even aiding in his work and bringing others to Christ by our born again experience. What a privilege! Matthew 5:16. For Jesus himself said, “ No man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”, Luke 9:62. Also as Christ had emphasized again, he that is not with me is against me, and he that gathereth not with me scattereth abroad Matthew 12:30. Wow may this never be us. Let all wavering stop instantly and all second guessing. No more playing Christian. Let all idols be broken down. But may we with firm resolute purpose be committed to the truth, continue in it and receive all the wonderful spiritual benefits and development in the truth, even our sanctification, that we may even receive the latter rain and if it is God’s will be part of the 144, 000 and pass safe in the investigative judgment. True Christianity is truly only for the sincere at heart. May God bless us all with purpose in the truth. Love you all in Christ Jesus. Sis. Vanessa Simmons
Anesia Baptiste
4/6/2016 10:48:31 am
I love the way the sister shows that the call to Christianity is one which is against hypocrisy and double-minded-ness. It makes a person go straight and be decisive for God. If any man will to do God's will they shall know the truth and be free from sins. Also, I like how it is shown we must have the single-minded experience of following after God alone in order to be effective labourers in the vineyard of God. Otherwise, we will do much damage. readers accept Jesus Christ in truth and live only to His glory who is God alone. Thanks sis. Vanessa. Amen.
Sis Karima
4/6/2016 01:07:21 pm
I really like the truth you shared sis Vanessa. It is a call like that of Joshua and Elisha, calling upon the people of God to decide if they will serve YHWH or serve the Devil. These are deciding moments and we must decide; we must choose whom we will serve. It is clear that we must love YHWH with all our hearts, with all our soul, and with all our might for He is God alone. Thank you!
4/6/2016 02:19:54 pm
Amen, it is only by having a mind wholly centered on Christ Jesus that we can stand against the deceptions of Satan and reject the mark of the beast when it comes upon all the world, Revelation 13: 4, thus reject the worship of Satan, for to worship the beast is to give honour and glory to Satan, thus giving credence to Satan's original argument, Isaiah 14: 12-14.
4/6/2016 08:28:39 pm
A scripturally-filled admonition and exhortation calling us for decisiveness/sincerity in our Christian walk. Indeed, we have a "noble, holy calling" for God who hath called us is Holiness.Thanks sis. Vanessa. May God bless you as you continue to be resolved in exalting God as God alone and may many be blessed through your ministry.
4/6/2016 09:07:07 pm
AMEN! Amen sis Vanessa, beautiful post indeed,
4/6/2016 10:06:23 pm
Amen my dear brethren thanks much for the exhortation. We have great work to do and we must be resolved in our Christian experience if we are to have success. By God's grace I will continue to be used of God to help my self and others glorifying God as God alone. God bless you all.
4/7/2016 01:44:07 pm
I really like this truth thank you this part really cause me to take a deep look at myself For Jesus himself said, “ No man, having put his hand to the plough and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”, Luke 9:62. the thing about is that we do sometimes look back and what do we see if we truly love God we see a desolate waste land let us carry on in the love of God for there is nothing left for us in this world
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